ThetaPollinator launches new Validator Node on the Theta Network

3 min readDec 8, 2023


Pollinators: The Tiny Superheroes of Our Food Supply

Pollinators like bees, bats, butterflies, and beetles are the unsung heroes of our food supply. They’re responsible for bringing us one out of every three bites of food we eat. But that’s not all they do. They also help sustain our ecosystems and produce our natural resources by helping plants reproduce. Without their tireless work, our agricultural economies, our food supply, and the very landscapes we depend on would collapse.

ThetaPollinator: Buzzing with Community Spirit

Enter ThetaPollinator, a federated marketing initiative that’s as passionate about pollinators as they are about the Theta Network. The mission is simple: to raise awareness and educate the world about the Theta Network ecosystem. And they’re doing it with a creative flair, ingenuity, and a community-driven approach.

ThetaPollinator is thrilled to announce that it has launched the newest Theta Validator Node! The validator node can be found at Theta address — “0x2595db80a7c0545c5f172d49e69af602f5454974” . We are excited to join other community run Validator nodes that include: FuelFoundry, Earworm Media, abacus, Commonwealth Collective, and ThetaNext et al.

Partners in Pollination: Fueling Theta Ecosystem Growth

ThetaPollinator’s success is not just its own; it’s a testament to the strength of its partnerships. Two key partners, Earworm Media and FuelFoundry, have played a pivotal role in the initiative’s growth and impact.

Earworm Media: A Creative Hub for NFT Innovation

Earworm Media, led by the visionary Rob Feldman, has established itself as a leading force in the NFT space. Their flagship project, Cyko KO, has garnered widespread acclaim for its innovative blend of animation, comics, and gamification. Earworm Media’s partnership with ThetaPollinator is a natural fit, bringing their creative expertise to bear on the Theta Network’s burgeoning ecosystem.

“We chose to partner with ThetaPollinator because we believe in the transformative power of the Theta Network and its ability to revolutionize the media and entertainment industry,” said Rob Feldman, CEO of Earworm Media. “We are excited to collaborate with ThetaPollinator to bring our creative vision to life and contribute to the growth of the Theta ecosystem.”

FuelFoundry: Technical Expertise for Theta’s Advancement

FuelFoundry, founded by passionate engineers and enthusiasts, brings technical expertise and deep blockchain knowledge to the ThetaPollinator partnership. Their expertise in blockchain development and infrastructure has been instrumental in supporting Theta’s technological advancements.

“ThetaPollinator’s mission to educate, grow, and empower the Theta community aligns perfectly with our own goals at FuelFoundry,” said Tom Gervais, Founder of FuelFoundry. “We’re proud to partner with ThetaPollinator and contribute our technical expertise to the growth and success of the Theta Network.”

ThetaPollinator’s Ambitions: Expanding the Horizons of Decentralization

ThetaPollinator’s ambitions extend beyond the core focus of video, media, and entertainment. They envision a future where the Theta Network powers a decentralized revolution in DataOps across a wide range of industries, including:

  1. Finance: Theta’s secure, cost efficient, and scalable blockchain infrastructure can facilitate seamless and transparent financial transactions, as well as provide computational power to quantitative modeling within the institutional investment industry.
  2. Healthcare: Theta’s ability to enable the secure storage and computation of medical data can transform healthcare delivery, enabling personalized and efficient patient care.
  3. Supply Chain: Theta’s trackable and verifiable data management capabilities can optimize supply chain operations, reducing costs and improving efficiency.
  4. Advertising: Theta’s infrastructure can provide for targeted and data-driven advertising solutions revolutionizing the way brands connect with consumers, creating a more personalized and engaging advertising experience.

“It’s great to see more decentralization of the validator set and vibrant community led initiatives like ThetaPollinator sprout up in support of the network”, says Wes Levitt of Theta Labs

ThetaPollinator is committed to bringing these ambitions to life by fostering collaboration, innovation, and education across industries. They believe that the Theta Network has the potential to transform the world, and they are determined to empower the community to make that vision a reality.

Join the Swarm: Become a Part of the ThetaPollinator Hive:

If you’re passionate about the Theta Network and want to be a part of something bigger, ThetaPollinator is your chance to make a difference.

Head over to and follow @thetapollinator on X to learn more and get involved.

Together, we can make the Theta Network the buzz of the Web3 world.




Theta Pollinator is a federated marketing initiative to help create awareness and education within the Theta Network ecosystem.